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Mike EvansAgent ID
6706982Business funding has never been easier. Let's get started!
Our Meet or Beat Guarantee*
Get $500 if BankBreezy cannot meet or beat your best funding offer!*
Step 1 - Apply
Complete our simple application. You will be done in minutes.Step 2 - Link Bank Or Upload Statements
Depending on funding type and amount - you will be approved simply by verifying and linking your bank account - or by uploading your bank statements.Step 3 - Receive Offer and Get Funded
With most fundings, you will receive an instant offer on screen. With larger fundings and Lines of Credit- you will receive an offer via email within one hour to one business day.Step 4 - Share the Great News and Save.
Ask how our exclusive Breezy ConnectCash™ program can save you thousands and pay off your balance sooner.For the $500 Meet or Beat Guarantee, applicants must demonstrate a consistent monthly revenue of $20K or more for each of the past three consecutive months and should have been operational for at least 12 months prior to applying. Competing offers from other funders must be presented in detail and MUST originate directly from the proposing funder, with photocopies, scans, or other reproductions possibly not being accepted. At the time of presenting a competing offer, clients must not have already committed to a funding agreement related to said offer with another financier. This guarantee does not cater to industries deemed high-risk, including but not limited to transportation, real estate, construction, and adult entertainment. Furthermore, applicants should have a clean financial history with no funding defaults or derogatory payment behaviors. The $500 guarantee will be awarded once a copy of a funding contract from an alternative lender has been received and validated, showing successful funding. This promotional offer becomes void 72 hours after its presentation to a potential client and is solely applicable to Revenue-Based Funding Offers. The term "best offer" specifically refers to the "cost of capital" and the repayment amount. We hold the right to amend or retract this offer without prior intimation. All funding agreements hinge on positive credit reviews, exhaustive background checks, and a conclusive bank verification process. Some exclusions might apply. While the guarantee is offered predominantly in the USA, it is not applicable in states like California, Nevada, New York, Utah, Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, or in regions where such best-offer guarantees are prohibited by law. Previous or existing clients of our company are expressly exempt from this offer.